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Showing posts from December, 2023

Did the CIA "influence" Fauci (or did Fauci "influence" the CIA)? Senator Rand Paul Asking Serious Questions

Synopsis: Fauci wants us to accept on 'blind faith' that the COVID-19 virus did not originate in a laboratory setting in Wuhan, China. According to Fauci, and with no type of actual proof or verification of any kind, Fauci wants us to believe that COVID-19 developed naturally in and around Wuhan, China, and then spread to the world without China being complicit in the pandemic's origins. Accepting things on blind faith, especially in the hard sciences, does not happen. In most places, accepting things on blind faith does not happen at all. Why should it happen now? Because Fauci says so?    T he investigation of Dr. Fauci's role in the origins of COVID-19 is still ongoing. 6 of the 7 scientists at the CIA HQ, presumably, felt that COVID-19 had originated in a lab. However, it seems that Fauci might've influenced them to say that COVID-19 did not originate in a lab.  We do not know Fauci's justification as of yet, for influencing 6 of 7 CIA scientists to say tha...