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Showing posts from June, 2021

GTA Online Shanghai Times DLC

 The recent string of movies inspired me to create a rough DLC concept for GTA Online. The concept DLC is titled: GTA Online Shanghai Times DLC. The subtitle is: Password: The Sun is the Ninja Star The DLC concept can be found on my github:

GTA Online Prison Style DLC

 A while ago, I dreamt up a Prison Life DLC for the current iteration of GTA Online. Looking back at the rough concept, and how much I have learned and changed, the rough concept is fairly hilarious even from my point of view. The rough concept Prison Life DLC can be found on my github here: I might redo this concept here and there.

GTA Online Burning Tomahawk DLC

 Thinking about GTAOnline's evolution and I landed on a western-themed DLC concept. The western theme could be video game'd in many ways. I think it would be cool to have a western themed DLC featuring a bit of cowboys and Native Americans.  The working title is: GTAOnline Burning Tomahawk DLC. The subtitle is: The Warrior Path Link to DLC on my github:

GTA Online Police DLC

 There's been a lot of talk over the past few months about a police-style DLC for GTAOnline. The unofficial working title that has been floated around is GTAOnline 'Cops and Robbers'. I'm not too sure why that style of DLC hasn't happened for GTAOnline. There could be several explanations. I entertained the idea of a police-style DLC and came up with a rough concept. I could not think of a working title. The DLC can be found in my github: If a police-style DLC is not feasible, perhaps different aspects of law enforcement could be included as future DLC content for GTAOnline. One such aspect is a K9 police style DLC with actual K9 dogs that the players can use in some way during free roam or special player missions. The GTAOnline K9 DLC concept can be found in my github account:

GTA Online Los Carteles DLC

 I think a good cartel DLC can be made for GTAOnline. I dreamt up a rough concept for this type of genre a while back. The title is GTAOnline Los Carteles DLC. I don't have a subtitle for it.  The DLC concept can be found on my github: I think this style of DLC would be new and different to the GTAOnline universe. 

GTA Online DLC Wish-List

 DLC ideas and content that I dream up thinking deeply about GTA Online. The content is dreamt up using a few techniques, but for the most part, and viewing GTA Online from the outside looking in, I think some of the ideas are feasible enough to increase player engagement with GTA Online. Some items on the wish-list are generic topics to get the mental ball rolling to then create some good DLCs for GTA Online. Other wish-list items are a bit more researched, and would require extensive effort in implementation. An example of this is the K9 DLC, but I think this one would be worth the effort. The DLC Wish-List Full-Blown Military Mayhem DLC Military Vehicles for DLCs   Air refueling missions and planes should be added as part of a full-blown ...

GTA Online Content I Dreamt Up: Summary of My Heists

  I devised some heist content for GTA Online. It is a few years old. I've changed a lot since then. I might update this heist here and there to see what it can evolve into.  Summary of Events of My Heists: The Protagonists: My Heists - Setup I My Heists - Setup II My Heists - Setup III Insurgent Vehicle Ramming Speed Modification  h...

Religious Motifs in Heat: Angles Used to Juxtapose Positions of Power (The Coffee Shop)

Heat Coffee Shop Scene (Scene is movie history! Amazing scene!) The Coffee Shop Scene is powerful and peaceful at the same time. It also highlights Michael Mann's ability to present two fairly famous actors and not have them outdo each other to satisfy their own egos. It is a tranquil scene.  Heat (1995) Coffee Shop (Historical Scene) HD   In this scene, Al Pacino is flying in a helicopter. A helicopter is an aerial vehicle, so we can assume Al Pacino is using the heavens to find Robert De Niro. Al Pacino descends from the heavens to the Earth to pursue Robert De Niro, that is, God.  To add to the religious feel of this movie, Al Pacino's helicopter is white, and it has a bright light that is turned on, and attached to it. Angels are often associated with the color white as well as bright light. Al Pacino finally gets in a car and to pursue God played by Robert De Niro, Al Pacino uses a black car. Contrast the black car th...

Religious Motifs in Al Pacino Films: Mind Vision

  Religious Motifs in Al Pacino Films (Author note: currently working on this.) To clear things up, when I reference Al Pacino, I mean to say Al Pacino's character. I don't use the words "Al Pacino's character" everywhere on this analysis because it would get too repetitive. The same goes for Robert De Niro and the character that he portrays in the movie  Heat.   This analysis started as I was designing some software called Mind Vision. I somehow ended up analyzing some movies. I discovered a religious motif in a few of Al Pacino's films. I wrote about the discovery. Mind Vision is unfinished and in progress. It is found at this link: Moving on to the religious discovery... The discovery assumes that there are powerful entities stronger than God. These entities can be called The Creators. The Creators are a small civilization that exists outside of the conventional science ...