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GTA Online DLC Wish-List

 DLC ideas and content that I dream up thinking deeply about GTA Online. The content is dreamt up using a few techniques, but for the most part, and viewing GTA Online from the outside looking in, I think some of the ideas are feasible enough to increase player engagement with GTA Online.

Some items on the wish-list are generic topics to get the mental ball rolling to then create some good DLCs for GTA Online. Other wish-list items are a bit more researched, and would require extensive effort in implementation. An example of this is the K9 DLC, but I think this one would be worth the effort.

The DLC Wish-List
Regional & Slightly Political GTA Online DLC ideas:
Sci-fi GTA Online DLC ideas:
The DLC Wish Granted List

I asked for a few of the items on the Wish Granted List. Oddly enough, RockstarGames was kind enough to implement the concept their way using the mechanics available in the RAGE game engine.

Mask, Outfits and Weapons Wish-List
