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Showing posts from September, 2023

COVID-19: Quest for a Killer Virus - Examining Step 6 - Wuhan Scientists...Become Seriously Ill...

Each step in the image titled "Quest for a Killer Virus" needs an explanation. Step 6 is the most intriguing step. I'll start with that step.  In Step 6 of the image, there is no direct proof that the scientists working on COVID-19 in the laboratory, got ill because of their work related to COVID-19.  We are filling this part in, using basic logic skills. Thus, it is faulty to assume that the scientists got sick because of working on COVID-19.  It is also faulty to assume the scientists did not get sick because of their work on COVID-19. All we can safely conclude is that the scientists became "seriously ill, allegedly, with coronavirus symptoms " , while working on COVID-19, when COVID-19 was still in its laboratory and stable form. Presumably, COVID-19 was away from sunlight or anything that could have high Vitamin D levels and high levels of other elements.  We do not know exactly what happened because China will not open their laboratory to the world for inq...

COVID-19 Weaponization: Quest for a Killer Virus Sidenote

  (Sidenote: It is believe this is the research  Obama approved right before he exited the White House in 2016.  It is easy to speculate that  Obama solely approved this research to interfere in Donald Trump's Presidency,  by helping China, who in turn would help Joe Biden beat Trump in 2020.  This chain of events would have to be proved or substantiated, however.   Further, it has been established that Joe Biden was not qualified to run for U.S. President, yet he still ran. From here, it is easy  to speculate that Joe Biden ran for U.S. President because he knew he would win in 2020, using China's and Obama's help.  As it stands,  Biden is still unqualified to be U.S. President because of his criminal actions while he was Vice President under Obama.  Obama knew Biden was a Chinese CCP Intelligence Asset, that is, Biden is a compromised criminal.) Biden is currently being investigated by U.S. Congress. GOP Rep. Nancy Mace claims Bid...

COVID-19 Weaponization: "Quest for a Killer Virus" - How COVID-19 was Made

 The image is supposed to illustrate how COVID-19 was made. I have this process in an abstract form that I created using publicly available sources. (Sidenote: It is believe this is the research  Obama approved right before he exited the White House in 2016... read the rest of the sidenote here .) In Step 4 of the image, the scientists created a "Stabilizer Module" to stabilize the behavior of all of the science they had, so that their science, which consisted of animal DNA, could come in contact with human DNA, and get used to coming in contact with human DNA. That is, Step 4, is how the scientists in Wuhan, China, programmed animal DNA to develop an "affinity" for human DNA. The source for the image titled "Quest for a killer virus" has been found. It is linked to this credible COVID-19 Twitter account: "What really went on inside the Wuhan lab weeks before Covid erupted?" "Fresh evidence drawn from confidential files reveals Chinese scie...

Minor COVID-19 Political Analysis from 2020

  These notes were written in 2020 before Joe Biden stole the White House from Donald Trump.   Some minor thoughts on COVID-19 from around on the 2020 timeframe.   The entire COVID-19 response from China seems contrived in that the way they behaved has been way too weird for it to not standout and for anyone to not notice.  I will assume that they knew that others would notice that they seeded the virus to the rest of the world using airlines as delivery conduits.  1. Why risk alienating yourself and your people by allowing an amateurish decision like that to be made? I will assume that they knew others would notice their behavior of hoarding supplies from the rest of the world, including America. I will assume that they knew others would notice their behavior of hoarding medicines and potential therapeutics from the rest of the world. 2. Why risk alienating yourself and your people by allowing an amateurish decision like that to be made? 3. W...

COVID-19 Politicization and Weaponization Analysis from Oct. 20, 2020

 My old COVID-19 analysis and notes from 2020. 

My COVID-19 Notes Dated Oct. 20, 2023

 These notes were written in 2020 before Joe Biden stole the White House from Donald Trump.   10.27.2020 Add stuff on determining whether COVID-19 came from a lab (right now, I think it did just based on the circumstances and China's behavior at the beginning and throughout the entire pandemic). However, there are issues with this: Did China trick the scientists into working on COVID-19 not knowing what it was really for? Did China plan on Joe Biden winning the election so that they can have easy, legal, and legitimate access to the Whitehouse to influence foreign and domestic policy? If Joe Biden wins, China will not be held responsible and he'll more than likely move away from holding them responsible. I think China might be betting on this scenario. Right now, it looks like Joe Biden has very deep ties with China as in he is their unofficial representative. Labelling President Trump a Russian agent appear to have been done to divert attention from Joe Biden's situation...

COVID-19 Weaponization - My Old Notes from 2020/2021 on COVID-19's Weaponization Potential

 My old notes on COVID-19 from around the 2020/2021 timeframe. The notes might need updating. 

COVID-19: Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, did perform risky gain-of-function research

Latest news on COVID-19, it seems that the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, did perform risky gain-of-function research. The news is circulating all over Twitter. Many COVID-19 accounts, that have been following COVID-19, are "tweeting" about the issue. HHS letter to Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), 09/19/23: "NIH determined that..WIV conducted an experiment that violated the terms of the grant regarding viral activity, which possibly did outcomes" Another interesting tweet related to the recent COVID-19 news... It's important to reflect on the fact that this happened despite a mainstream media blackout on the issue, and despite gaslighting by top virologists like Angela Rasmussen who told reporters it wasn't gain-of-function research and who were in communication with officials at NIH about suing the few reporters who did cover it. https://twitter....

The C.I.A. accused of bribing COVID-19 origin analysts, to say it did not come from a Wuhan lab

Looks like the story is picking up steam. Everything, thus far, is centered around accusations and allegations. All analysts that were bribed (and they took the bribe), must be terminated immediately. The briber should be reported (looks like this part is going on now in Congress). However, if the CIA has deep cover operatives in China's CCP, which they most likely do, then these allegations have to be examined thoroughly and considered heavily. This could be why the CIA tried to hide the real origins of COVID-19 (and not Obama's, Biden's, and Xi Jinping's potential involvement in working together, with each other, to coordinate a victory for Biden in the 2020 U.S. Election against Donald Trump) . Biden was compromised by China. It was believed that Obama was compromised by China also, but in a weird way (I'll have to find some sources on this). The CIA has been accused of bribing COVID-19 origin analysts, to say it did not come from a Wuhan lab. The accusation come...

Whistleblower: Here Are the Lengths the CIA Went to in Order to Bury COVID Lab Leak Conclusion

 Seems like something is going down at CIA HQ.  Another CIA/COVID-19 payment story to change the perception that COVID-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, to the perception that COVID-19 came from a can of "Campbells Noodle Soup" that was left unattended in the Chinese version of La Placita Olvera - this would be a Chinese Wet Market.  

Mind-Vision AI: Descartes knew there were two systems at work inside a human

  Seems like Descartes knew there were two systems at work inside a human:    1.     the human mind,  2.     the human brain.    Looks like I can finally create a PowerPoint slide to better illustrate how Mind-Vision AI will process beliefs/stimuli). “I think, therefore I am” is a phrase by 17th century French philosopher René Descartes. It appears in his 1637 book Discourse on the Method. In his most famous work, Meditations on First Philosophy, he changes the wording to “I am, I exist”. What does Descartes mean by I am I exist? A statement by the seventeenth-century French philosopher René Descartes. “I think; therefore, I am” was the end of the search Descartes conducted for a statement that could not be doubted. He found that he could not doubt that he himself existed, as he was the one doing the doubting in the first place. Software engineering and Computer Science might be more aligned with Descartes than ...

CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower

 Odd thing to make it to print. There's more to this story here... “At CIA we are committed to the highest standards of analytic rigor, integrity, and objectivity. We do not pay analysts to reach specific conclusions,” CIA Director of Public Affairs Tammy Kupperman Thorp told The Post in a statement. “We take these allegations extremely seriously and are looking into them. We will keep our Congressional oversight committees appropriately informed.” It looks like the matter is going to be investigated by Congress. All that's known right now is that these are allegations.  It's problematic if the payments did happen. Any CIA employees that are found to have taken payment, should find other work because their judgement has been tainted by corruption.

Newly unredacted email shows Fauci knew in extraordinary detail about the novel coronavirus research he funded Wuhan by January 2020.

  Newly unredacted email shows Fauci knew in extraordinary detail about the novel coronavirus research he funded Wuhan by January 2020 . "Fauci had been informed by January 2020 that his institute had funded..discovery..dozens of novel coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the closest..virus to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, new records show." This is interesting. Now we have to ask if Fauci mislead Pres. Donald J. Trump about COVID-19 back in 2020, when COVID-19 first began.