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Minor COVID-19 Political Analysis from 2020

 These notes were written in 2020 before Joe Biden stole the White House from Donald Trump. 

 Some minor thoughts on COVID-19 from around on the 2020 timeframe.

 The entire COVID-19 response from China seems contrived in that the way they behaved has been way too weird for it to not standout and for anyone to not notice. 

I will assume that they knew that others would notice that they seeded the virus to the rest of the world using airlines as delivery conduits. 

1. Why risk alienating yourself and your people by allowing an amateurish decision like that to be made?

I will assume that they knew others would notice their behavior of hoarding supplies from the rest of the world, including America.

I will assume that they knew others would notice their behavior of hoarding medicines and potential therapeutics from the rest of the world.

2. Why risk alienating yourself and your people by allowing an amateurish decision like that to be made?

3. What could China be working on that is worthy of keeping secret to the point where it risks alienating itself and its people from the rest of the world? 

4. What could be this valuable to China that it felt it was acceptable to harm all diplomatic and economic relations with the rest of world? 

Answering for Question 4 for 2023 and 2024, China currently owns and controls the U.S. President - this would be Biden. China felt it was acceptable to harm all diplomatic and economic relations with the world, so that it could control a U.S. President through leverage. Joe Biden and Xi Jinping have a great relationship because it is quid pro quo. Any news to the contrary is fake news. 

China delivered the 2020 election win for Joe Biden. Biden, in return, will destroy the U.S. economy, weaken the U.S. military (and the U.S. Intelligence Agencies) so that when Trump gets re-elected in 2024, Trump will have no options of fighting a war against China. 

I will assume that part of COVID-19’s response from China has been half true and half propaganda designed to cause instability. I will develop this later.

The Coronavirus came from China, that part has been established. 

4a. What hasn't been established, at least publicly, is if this was supposed to be the thing that came out of China? 

5. Was it supposed to be made public at all? Was COVID-19 a backup plan in the event the real project was compromised? 

6. Was COVID-19 designed to buy the Chinese enough time to hide their real project?

I will assume that COVID-19, while true and a documentable event with a virus that has a somewhat reliable algorithm of behavior, might be part of a disinformation campaign by China, using its assets, to hide their real project and the real intentions of their project.

None of the assumptions listed hide the fact that COVID-19 is a particular type of tool with a particular type of potential. The hard part is ascertaining how much of this potential China knew about, and how much of it they kept secret.

By now, it should be plainly obvious that all medical data and DNA data, particularly of Americans and of Americans in various positions, should be heavily guarded from hostile nations or hostile actors or just heavily guarded in general.

7. Why would China risk so much over the Coronavirus? It seems as if they were acting very confidently in the beginning. Did the climax not happen in America because of President Trump's leadership? Right now, it looks like President Trump threw a major wrench in China's plan, whatever that plan was.

8. What scientific project or research is China working on that it would go to great lengths to keep it a secret, even ruining diplomatic and economic relationships in the process? 

9. What single thing is this valuable to them? I still haven't decided what aspect of the Coronavirus could be a smokescreen to hide other research, but if it centers around bats, and bats are known for living a long time, and I'm sure the Chinese are aware of this, then the scenario exist for the possibility that the Chinese could be doing research into aging.

Answering the 2020 question directly above to fit into 2023 politics, the only thing that China's Xi Jinping cared about was leveraging their intelligence asset named Joe Biden, to shape American policy favorable to China at America's expense. Biden, as U.S. President, receives protection from the U.S. Secret Service, so Biden could tank the economy, and destroy America using a nuclear war, for example, and he would still be protected by the entire U.S. Secret Service apparatus. 

 There were rumors that Obama was compromised by China since before his presidency in 2012. Who knows how or when Obama was compromised by China. As in, what did China "catch" Obama doing that he would write American policy favorable to China? 

I'm curious what China has on Obama that led to China, ultimately, controlling Obama and forcing him to dictate certain aspects of American policy favorable to China. 

It has been public knowledge that Joe Biden is a China asset. Obama weakened America specifically for China. Biden will obliterate America for China - specifically. 
