Sean Hannity: Fauci Knew from Jan. 2020...COVID-19 Likely Lab Originated, Rand Paul wants Fauci Jailed
Rand Paul wants Fauci jailed: "This man was a traitor to his country." Interesting thing. I'll write more on this later. However, no matter how Rand Paul feels about Fauci, Fauci only did the research because it was approved by President Obama in 2016 (I still need to thoroughly verify this claim, however). Things appear to be heating up. Going after Obama on COVID-19 would be difficult, if indeed it materializes that Obama, on an administrative level, approved Fauci's research. Rand Paul seems like he isn't letting this issue rest. CIA seems to be intimately involved now. We definitely know China is involved. CIA's side of the story is going to be interesting, since COVID-19 aligned with Donald J. Trump's health profile and COVID-19 also aligned with President Putin's health profile. By using the word "aligned," I mean that Donald Trump was in the vulnerable groups of people...