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Sean Hannity: Fauci Knew from Jan. 2020...COVID-19 Likely Lab Originated, Rand Paul wants Fauci Jailed

Rand Paul wants Fauci jailed:

"This man was a traitor to his country."

 Interesting thing. I'll write more on this later. However, no matter how Rand Paul feels about Fauci, Fauci only did the research because it was approved by President Obama in 2016 (I still need to thoroughly verify this claim, however).

Things appear to be heating up. Going after Obama on COVID-19 would be difficult, if indeed it materializes that Obama, on an administrative level, approved Fauci's research.

Rand Paul seems like he isn't letting this issue rest. CIA seems to be intimately involved now. We definitely know China is involved.

CIA's side of the story is going to be interesting, since COVID-19 aligned with Donald J. Trump's health profile and COVID-19 also aligned with President Putin's health profile.

By using the word "aligned," I mean that Donald Trump was in the vulnerable groups of people that COVID-19 would infect, and possibly kill. President Putin was also in the vulnerable groups of people that COVID-19 would infect and definitely kill. 

I use the word "definitely" to say that COVID-19 would have definitely killed President Putin if it had infected him because President Putin was rumored to suffer from a serious cancer. COVID-19 has the ability to detect cancer in humans and it kills humans that have some forms of deadly cancer. I think COVID-19 has a built in metric to detect various cancers. 

Using evolutionary algorithms from the bat DNA, COVID-19 might seek out the deadliest cancers out in the world, using ingrained patterns of learned behavior from years of evolution, to destroy them because these cancers might pose a risk to bat DNA's survival. This is putting things briefly. 

Bats do not necessarily cure cancer in themselves. Instead, they burn it off using bat flight, similar to how humans burn off excess weight using exercise. Evidently, bat flight is a very taxing activity on a bat's body. Further, all humans that had or have the world's deadliest, uncurable cancers, possibly even those that were thought to have been cured of deadly cancers, such as Donald Trump's friend, Herman Cain, would be susceptible to COVID-19 infection. 

Herman Cain dies from COVID-19  

I think COVID-19 can detect the deadliest cancers, even if the deadliest cancers are not detectable in a human, using modern technology. This ability is deeply ingrained inside the bat's DNA.

This is because COVID-19 might know these cancers pose a serious risk to itself, but COVID-19, through years of natural evolution, knows how to beat these cancers. Beating cancer is COVID-19's hard wired behavior because of the nature of evolution. 

When COVID-19 detects a deadly cancer in a human, it will infect the host, and most likely try to get rid of the deadly cancer in the human body. Unfortunately, this is the part that has to be verified, but we have seen that COVID-19 kills people, in most cases, when they have a deadly form of cancer. 

I think this is why the vulnerable group of people included people with cancer and people that have been cured of cancer. 

Since bats and humans are both mammals, hypothetically speaking, it should be possible to burn off cancers in humans, using the metabolic processes associated with bat flight. However, this would be risky science.

From COVID-19's ability to detect cancer in humans, the idea that Putin does not have cancer can be entertained because there have been no reports of him ever becoming ill with COVID-19. Putin's alleged deadly form of cancer, would have attracted COVID-19 because the deadly cancer that Putin was alleged to have, is detrimental to the survival of the bat DNA in COVID-19. COVID-19 has learned this type of hard wired programming through years of evolution. The behavior will not change, unless it is modified in a laboratory setting. 

Thus, we know COVID-19 can beat deadly cancers. Putin, becoming ill with COVID-19, should have been a guaranteed outcome, if Putin did have some form of deadly cancer. Since there is no evidence of Putin ever becoming ill with COVID-19, for now, it is safe to conclude Putin does not have a deadly form of cancer.

Putin did appear to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but he did this off camera. 

Worst case scenario, any intelligence reports of Putin suffering from cancer were false. Thus far, if Putin had a serious cancer, COVID-19 would have found him, infected him, and possibly killed him. This is what COVID-19 tends to do, when a human has a serious cancer in their body. 

I want to say, Putin's death should have been guaranteed, as a result of COVID-19, but this never happened.

Another worst case scenario, CIA tried to indirectly kill Putin with COVID-19 because they thought he had cancer. So, whomever approved the original COVID-19 research is who tried to kill Putin. Fauci was just a scientists in this process. The person of interests in the COVID-19 situation should be the head administrator that approved the research. It was not President Trump that approved it. I think it was President Obama.

Another worst case scenario, we could have lost President Trump and President Putin, in 2020, due to President Obama's administrative approval of Fauci's research. 

COVID-19, from my perspective, felt like an escaped or unfinished product such as a bioweapon. COVID-19 has all the "classic earmarks" of a system of some type. Presumably, it was supposed to be a weapon of some sort, but it also has potential curative properties. 

Putin tested negative for COVID-19:

Putin receives Sputnik V vaccine:

Links on Putin's alleged cancer:

I will try to verify some claims, and then provide analysis, but things do not look good for President Obama, if he did indeed approve Fauci's research that led to COVID-19.
