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Showing posts from January, 2024

Identity Theft - Cellular Phone Hacking Services - Car Buying & Selling - Mandatory Identity Theft for Car Buying - Realistic Police AI - Black Market - Dark Web - Shadow Hacker Group - Changes to Los Santos Customs - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

 In a recent blog entry, information was posted that was related to buying and selling cars in GTA Online. That information was written with content for another update to GTA Online called 'Ladies Night'.       The ' Ladies Night ' content deserves its own blog entry. The car buying and selling content has been posted in this entry instead.             The Identity Theft component has been updated with new sub-subcomponents. This entry will not list the PowerPoint presentation of the Identity Theft subcomponent in the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC. That information will be posted on another entry. This entry will briefly mention Identity Theft and how it can be used more realistically in GTA Online and GTA Six Online to purchase and sell cars.       Identity Theft will be used to purchase certain exotic vehicles. Identity Theft could also be used for some personal vehicles in GTA Six and GTA Six Online. A player will have to add a fake identity to every car they purchase

Ladies Night - New Music Tracks - Underground Music Artists - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

Developer Note!  The Ladies Night Service is a subcomponent of the Cellular Phone Hacking Services provided by the Shadow Hacker Group, using the spy satellite. Last update:  01292024, 0023 .        The Cellular Phone Hacking Services have been updated. The latest edition called Ladies Night, should be the final component to the cellular phone hacking services. Ladies Night is a sub-subcomponent.      The Ladies Night Service is not currently available in GTA Online. It would be a new system for the players to use, in conjunction with the spy satellite and the Shadow Hacker Group.      The Ladies Night Service will also feature a new system to deliver music to the players of GTA Online. The system could be used to deliver music tracks from real life music artists, directly to the players of GTA Online. The Ladies Night music playlist will be available for listening while the players drive their vehicles, or relax in their apartments.     With the help of the Shadow Hacker Group, the pl

Lost in Love Social Engineering - Standard Social Engineering - Hacking Services - Hacking - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

     The Lost in Love social engineering component of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC is almost complete. Other components such as CCTV, cellular phone camera and cellular phone microphone hacking are included because they align with some of the aspects of the Lost in Love, Home Burglary, and Swatting components.     I believe a Youtube clone, a TikTok clone, and Instagram clone could also be introduced into the Social Engineering Component of GTA Online. Clones of these popular video sharing websites could be in GTA Six and GTA Six Online. The concept of social media influencers could be introduced into GTA Online and GTA Six Online.     GTA Online does include social media websites in it. A good example is the Twitter clone called " Bleeter ."       Since Twitter, and microblogging is sorta dead or dying off, perhaps Bleeter could be canceled in GTA Six Online, and Rockstar Games could introduce Youtube clones and Instagram clones in GTA Six and GTA Six Online.       By c

Cellular Phone Hacking Services - Hacking Services - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

Developer Note!  The Cellular Phone Hacking Services provided by the Shadow Hacker Group are in progress. Last update:  01282024, 2056 .           The Shadow Hacker Group, through the spy satellite, will offer Cellular Phone Hacking Services to the players of GTA Online. GTA Online currently offers some hacking-like services or functionality.       The services that will be provided by the Shadow Hacker Group do not seek to disrupt those services. Instead, the addition of a spy satellite will create interesting gameplay with the goal of increasing the robustness of the GTA Online experience.      The github for the project is found at this link: Cellular Phone Hacking Services - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC . Click the icons below to learn about the components of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC, or proceed onto the presentation slides:       Click the Social Engineering icon to learn more about that component.