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Cellular Phone Hacking Services - Hacking Services - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

Developer Note!
 The Cellular Phone Hacking Services provided by the Shadow Hacker Group are in progress. Last update: 01282024, 2056.    

    The Shadow Hacker Group, through the spy satellite, will offer Cellular Phone Hacking Services to the players of GTA Online. GTA Online currently offers some hacking-like services or functionality. 

    The services that will be provided by the Shadow Hacker Group do not seek to disrupt those services. Instead, the addition of a spy satellite will create interesting gameplay with the goal of increasing the robustness of the GTA Online experience.

    The github for the project is found at this link: Cellular Phone Hacking Services - Shadow Hacker Group - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC.

Click the icons below to learn about the components of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC, or proceed onto the presentation slides:

main component architecture spy satellite   

Click the Social Engineering icon to learn more about that component.
