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Shadow Hacker Group & Military Group Spy Satellite Services included in Main Component Architecture for the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

Developer Note!
 The Main Component Architecture of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC has been finished. Updated: 01152024, 2052.     

    In designing the Social Engineering component of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC, some minor corrections to help explain the concept were identified. 

    The GTA Online Spy Satellite Main Component Architecture has been updated with illustrative examples of the concept being proposed. The illustrative examples use game components currently found in GTA Online, but connected to the spy satellite I am proposing.

    The Smart Ammunition concept is also included in this version of the Main Component Architecture for the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC. A proposed software mechanism for enabling satellite-guided smart bullets in GTA Online will be released at a later time.

    The github for the project is found at this link: GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC on Github.

     Click the icons below to learn about the components of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC, or proceed onto the presentation slides:


Click the Social Engineering Icon to learn more about that component.
