Video Proof - Algorithm for GTA Online to Allow Players to Repeatedly Spawn and Farm Gold or Silver Dubsta 2s Using an Xbox One Game Controller - Algorithm Designed in Year 2019
# 9.6.2019 GTAOnline Chrome Dubsta 2 Spawning in 2019
- How to get the first one by yourself
- source:
- I'm working on refining the algorithm to make this glitch repeatable without fail as a solo player in a public lobby in 2019.
# Tracing out the algorithm to spawn Dubsta2 repeatedly without FAIL
For simplicity as I trace out the algorithm, and to help me visualize it as I trace my steps, I'll view the entire process as a giant method/function. Basically, I'm going to try to reverse-engineer the algorithm to make it repeatable without fail.
The algorithm to farm and spawn Gold or Silver Dubsta 2 vehicle in GTA Online can be found by "hacking" GTA Online and "reverse-engineering" the suspected video game behavior that starts the algorithm.
Yes. Technically, it is hacking, but it is hacking in the unconventional form of the word.
I'm going to "hack" the Chome/Gold Dubsta2 algorithm to make it repeatable without fail. I'm doing this without looking at any type of code related to GTAOnline. I'm just going examine in-game behavior and in-game concepts -- fairly standard stuff.
# Remarks: Why this algorithm by Rockstar Games?
> I think Rockstar tried to make spawning the Dubsta2 vehicle as difficult as possible without actually removing it from the game. They did not actually hide it, but it looks like they practiced information obfuscation on an actual piece of software. This vehicle is highly sought after because it's an accomplishment to spawn and own.
> I tried several times to spawn this vehicle in the past, but my skills related to programming and other Computer Science topics were not where they are today. Hence, I was not able to spawn it, let alone begin to hack the algorithm to then spawn and farm several Dubsta2s. My skills have improved, but there's always room for improvement.
> Essentially, Rockstar made it so that the Dubsta2 has to be spawned and farmed by actual players that are holding a videogame controller in their hands, and have the muscle control to be able to drive SUPER-SLOW from the marina to the LSC near LSIA.
Here is the video for proof on how to farm and spawn Gold or Silver Dubsta 2 vehicles in GTA Online.
> You'll read below that driving SUPER-SLOW is a REQUIREMENT for this algorithm to work.
Requirements are a concept found in Computer Science, particularly Software Engineering. A piece of software is not born without a set of REQUIREMENTS. What Rockstar did with the Dubsta2 algorithm, was make fulfilling the REQUIREMENTS very difficult by implementing a form of obfuscation as well as anti-cheat measures to ensure that whomever tries to spawn and farm the Dubsta2 on Xbox One console, is holding the controller with both hands. Rockstar wants to make sure that if you are attempting to spawn this vehicle, you are actively engaged with the videogame. Hence, all the anti-cheat mechanisms.
# Software Obfuscation
>In software development, obfuscation is the deliberate act of creating source or machine code that is difficult for humans to understand. Like obfuscation in natural language, it may use needlessly roundabout expressions to compose statements. Programmers may deliberately obfuscate code to conceal its purpose (security through obscurity) or its logic or implicit values embedded in it, primarily, in order to prevent tampering, deter reverse engineering, or even as a puzzle or recreational challenge for someone reading the source code. This can be done manually or by using an automated tool, the latter being the preferred technique in industry.
> source:
# parameters (also called requirements) to fulfill:
I'm developing a list of parameters, also called requirements, that must be fulfilled in order to spawn the first Dubsta2.
- __is_player_in_free_roam_or_in_mission__
- __is_player_in_free_roam_cargo_sell_mission__
- __did_player_spawn_a_Dubsta2_from_the_MC_bikerclub_menu__
- __did_player_engage_in_gunrunning_cargo_sell_mission_to_spawn_an_NPC_Dubsta2_variant__
- __is_player_mobilephone_time_correct_to_begin_dubsta2_spawn_process__
- __is_a_dubsta2_vehicle_already_spawned_in_the_free_roam_lobby_by_the_player_actions__
- __is_player_driving_slowly_while_driving_to_LSC_near_LSIA__
- __is_player_following_HVY_Biff_all_the_way_to_LSC_near_LSIA__
- __did_player_start_following_HVY_Biff_halfway_between_marina_and_LSC_near_LSIA__
# Goal:
> The goal of this algorithm is to spawn the first Chrome or Gold Dubsta 2 to then help you spawn other Dubsta2s. Spawning
> the first Dubsta2, on your own, is the hardest part. This vehicle is very exclusive.
> Once you spawn the first Dubsta2, you can then farm them, but you will most likely need a few friends to help with the
> farming.
> Use the GTAOnline missions called "Chopper Tail" or "Time to Get Away" to farm multiple Dubsta2s with your friends to help
> you, once you have already acquired a special hidden Chrome Dubsta2 for yourself. Otherwise, you will not be able to farm
> special hidden Dubsta2s in any missions.
# Status of Tutorial:
> INCOMPLETE! More information to follow.
# Nightclub Location:
# Begin Nightclub Cargo Sell Mission:
> I started a sell mission to sell some nightclub cargo. I was selling Cash Creation cargo.
> I received the sell mission wherein as I sell the cargo, I'm pursued by some "local gangsters". These gangster NPCs are
> in Dubsta2 vehicles painted matte black with matte black rims. Once you identify the Dubsta2, blow up your cargo, or
> take your cargo all the way to the sell point, but make sure you don't spawn away the Dubsta2 vehicles after your cargo
> is no longer active in the map. Steal one of the Dubsta2 vehicles from the NPCs and keep this vehicle out in the lobby
> until you spawn a Chrome Dubsta2 at Los Santos Customs near LSIA.
# Important
> Set yourself to passive once you steal a Dubsta2 from the NPCs, or you risk another player destroying the Dubsta2 that you
> will use to spawn yourself a Chrome/Gold Dubsta2.
> This is the hardest vehicle to spawn in the game. It will take a couple of tries over a few in-game days.
# Timeframe
> I started the Dubsta2 spawn process on Wednesday night in-game. In between Wednesday and Friday in-game, I spawned other special hidden
vehicles, but I did not secure those vehicles. All I did was RAM them as I got close to them. Then, I immediately drove off.
I officially spawned the Chrome Dubsta2 on Friday in-game.
If you do not spawn a Chrome or Gold Dubsta2 immediately, but you spawn a different vehicle, keep trying to spawn the Chrome or Gold Dubsta2 after you drive off and ignore the vehicle that spawned. Spawning a different vehicle shows the algorithm is working, and you just have to cycle through the special hidden vehicles until you spawn a Chrome or Gold Dubsta2.
# Target Vehicle to find in Free Roam:
> HVY Biff
# Vehicle behavior to look out for:
> HVY Biff will be driving SUPER slow.
# HVY Biff is a target vehicle that can help with the Chrome Dubsta2 spawn process due to its SUPER slow speed.
> You will need to find this vehicle, and follow it all the way to the Los Santos Customs. Follow the vehicle closely staying
> directly behind the vehicle. Drive as slow as the vehicle. I assume the slowness, plus the vehicle-type, form certain
> input parameters to be fulfilled to then
> be able to spawn a Chrome/Gold Dubsta2. However, I think the parameter of __"is_player_driving_slowly"__ might be more
> important than the parameter of __"is_player_following_HVY_Biff_all_the_way_to_LSC_near_LSIA_while_driving_slowly"__ .
# Info on the Biff:
> The HVY Biff is a large multipurpose truck featured in Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
![gtaonline dubsta2 target vehicle](
> Pics or vid for proof coming soon!
# Dubsta 2 Spawn Method: Using Mission __"Time to Get Away"__
### Status: does not work as intended, but it eventually works, very unpredictable
This method has been reported as a surefire method to be able to spawn Dubsta2s to eventually 'farm' them over and over.
I only managed to spawn one gold Dubsta2 after a few minutes of play time. No other Dubstas were spawned after I stored the original gold one that spawned.
### Reward for this method: Gold Dubsta 2 (I now have both special Dubstas!)
### Location for testing: Los Santos Customs near LSIA
### Proof: Coming soon!
### Target Vehicle to find in "Time to Get Away": Mibatsu Mule
> Mibatsu Mule is your target vehicle to help you spawn Chrome/Gold Dubsta2 in "Time to Get Away", possibly in "Chopper Tail."
> The reason for it is probably because the Mule travels so slow in-game while controlled by an NPC. Either the Mule or the SUPER
> SLOW speed or both are required to be fulfilled to then spawn a Dubsta2.
![target vehicle to help spawn dubsta2](
> I followed the in-game NPC driven Mibatsu Mule, and a Chrome Dubsta2 spawned.
> You will have to follow this vehicle from the Marina all the way to LSC near LSIA.
> Either this vehicle AND its slow speed OR just the __SUPER-SLOW__ speed is a trigger to spawn the Chrome/Gold Dubsta2.
> The reason for the super-slow speed requirement is __PROBABLY__ that it is very hard to duplicate such slow speed by hand
> and requires good hand muscle control. This parameter could be programmed into the game to prevent the Dubsta2 from being
> farmed automatically, thereby, cheating the system.
> How do you prevent farming of the Dubsta2 in a videogame? You prevent players from using a rubberband to wrap around the gas
> pedal to simplify the farming process. Players, then, have to hold a controller with both hands to be able to farm this
> vehicle.
> The super-slow speed requirement, more than likely, is an anti-cheat mechanism as well as a mechanism to __BORE YOU OUT__.
> Spawning Chrome/Gold Dubsta2s will __REQUIRE__ patience __AND__ good hand control because you __MUST__ travel at
a __SUPER-SLOW__ speed.
> I cannot stress this enough.
__Summary__: Mission called __"Time to Get Away"__ did not spawn any special hidden vehicles when I started this mission with the chrome Dubsta 2. It is safe to conclude that starting this mission with the chrome Dubsta 2 already out, will not __immediately__ activate the special hidden
vehicle spawning process to then eventually spawn a chrome or gold Dubsta 2. Using this method, spawning a special hidden
Dubsta 2 vehicle will __take a few minutes of playing time__ among other factors.
# Dubsta 2 Spawn Method: Using Mission __"Chopper Tail"__
### Status: does not work as intended, but it eventually works, very unpredictable
This method has __also__ been reported as a surefire method to be able to spawn Dubsta2s to eventually 'farm' them over and over.
I only managed to spawn one gold Dubsta2 after a few minutes of play time. No other Dubstas were spawned after I stored the original gold one that spawned.
### Reward for this method: Two Dubstas in a row! Dubsta2 variant with tinted-windows found in this mission.
### Location for testing: Los Santos Customs near LSIA
### Proof: Coming soon!
![gtaonline dubsta2 farming chopper tail mission](
### If at first you don't succeed, keep trying!
![gtaonline chopper tail mission farming dubsta2](
### A special hidden lambo spawns, keep trying!
![gtaonline lambo spawn chopper tail dubsta2 farming](
### Target Vehicle to find in "Chopper Tail":
![target vehicle to help spawn dubsta2](
__Summary__: Mission called __"Chopper Tail"__
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