Is It Possible to Curve a Bullet - Non-Satellite Controlled Bullets - Curving Bullets Like the Movie 'Wanted' starring Angelina Jolie - Players in GTA Six and GTA Six Online Should Be Able to Curve Bullets Using a Special Gun
In this scene, bullet should say 'I Love You' or 'Remember Me.' |
Players of GTA Six and GTA Six Online should be able to curve bullets. Curving bullets is an interesting topic of discussion because all major search engines, including Google AI's search results, indicate that it is impossible to curve a bullet upon firing it from a gun, unless some parameters are met, and even then, the curve will not be a genuine curve.
The movie 'Wanted' starring Angelina Jolie did a good job in presenting the bullet-curving concept. Curving bullets seems like a small area that could be researched to then determine with quantified data, if a bullet can be curved or not, after alterations have been made to the gun and the bullet, to actually try to curve the bullet.
In this scene, bullets crashing together could mean 'father meets son' or 'father faces son. Scene could also represent 'birth' and 'abandonment at birth.' This scene is not a death scene at all. |
The special 'bullet-curving' technology would explain how the gun and bullet are able to curve bullets for precise target impacts 100% of the time. The actual hypothetical bullet-curving technology could be researched and hypothesized at a later time. The technology could involved nano-technology with a satellite-guidance system built-in. Since we do not know that they do not have special technology in the movie, the movie leaves it to the viewer, to assume that with enough training and desire, a regular person can become a skilled assassin good enough to curve a bullet fired from a gun. The ability to curve a bullet fired from a gun can be acquired through the process of learning specialized training without using any type of technological enhancements on the gun or the bullet. Meaning, 'bullet-curving' technology could be actual technology approved by DARPA, for example, in the movie universe of 'Wanted.' Only the leader(s) of the assassin fraternity would know about this technology. The assumption is that it would be top secret technology, revealed only on a need-to-know basis. Thus, someone whom is not the leader of the assassin fraternity does not need to know the technology exists.
Only the political and financial elite involved in the maintenance of the assassin fraternity would know about the bullet curving technology; it is assumed that the leader of the assassin fraternity was employed by these people. In the movie 'Wanted,' this means that none of the stars/characters of the movie, including Cross, knew about the technology to curve bullets. The leaders of the assassin fraternity had to make them believe they were skilled enough assassins to be able to curve regular bullets using a regular gun. Thus, 'Wanted' Part II could be Cross and his son Wesley Gibson, coming back to the film, reprising their roles, and going after the inventors of the bullet curving technology.
Angelina Jolie would also return to the 'Wanted' movie sequel, as a villain, to preserve the order of the fraternity as it was meant to be - a fraternity of assassins that live by guiding principles shaping political affairs of the world for peace instead of war. End disclaimer.) Every major search engine will say that it is impossible to curve a bullet, unless certain conditions are met. It actually might be possible to enumerate some conditions that could lead to a fired bullet being curved in real life, when fired from a gun.
The bullet will not be precise, unless some type of calibration is made to the gun, but the bullet should still curve. Curving a bullet to precisely impact the intended target will be considered a different topic for quantitative analysis. For now, only curving a bullet will be the topic of discussion.
Quantitative methods and data gathering to study bullet curving are going to be assumed to exist, so that players of GTA Six and GTA Six Online could experience the concept of curving a bullet, after firing it from a weapon. As an aside, this could serve as a DARPA project, unless DARPA has already quantitatively studied, curving bullets without the use of satellite technology.
DARPA has shown that a bullet can be guided by satellite technology. DARPA has not shown that a bullet nor a gun cannot be modified with the intent to curve a bullet, using quantitative methods and data gathering.
The Grand Theft Auto series is probably the only major AAA video game that is well-positioned to introduce a movie concept like bullet-curving, into its video game universe. The curving bullet will not be powered by a spy satellite, so it will not be remotely controlled by a satellite link, to then target specific latitude and longitude coordinates, such as those found in smartphones.
The curving bullet, non-satellite powered variation, will be fired from a special gun with a special barrel. The special gun then uses the forces of Earth, combined with the technology in the gun barrel, and shape of the blast in the bullet, to curve the bullet.
The gun and bullet will have a unique firing sound and explosion when used by the player. The unique firing and sound is supposed to indicate that the gun uses special technology to curve the bullet.
Furthermore, the bullet will have a special outer layer enhanced with technology that allows the gun barrel to grip it, and spin it, while firing it and exiting out of the gun barrel. Similar to how a pitcher has special finger grips to curve a baseball. Then, all the technology in the gun and the bullet, when combined with Earth's forces, will curve the bullet in the intended direction.
The player has to be able to hit targets around corners. Corners can be found from various angles, Thus, special animations are required to shoot around left corners, right corners, bottom corners, and top corners.
The perception of corners is being changed. A corner is a sharp 90-degree angle. Thus, roofs are defined as "top-corners." Taking cover under a freeway overpass, for example, creates a "bottom-corner."
This bullet and gun will not be connected to nor guided by a spy satellite. Other weapons in GTA Six and GTA Six Online, perhaps could be connected to a spy satellite.
Some video game logic has been proposed to make the bullet-curving concept as realistic as possible:
- curves using the wind, physics, and a special outer layer
- curves to intended target
- can hit targets taking cover at corners, but will not turn on demand, when the target is missed
- the difference between this bullet and a satellite controlled bullet is the satellite controlled bullet can actually turn on demand, correct its trajectory, and aim to hit a target
- curves using the wind, physics, and a special outer layer
- curves to intended target
- can hit targets taking cover at corners, but will not turn on demand, when the target is missed
- the difference between this bullet and a satellite controlled bullet is the satellite controlled bullet can actually turn on demand, correct its trajectory, and aim to hit a target
- further, a satellite-guided bullet would compete with the forces of Earth, so it should be able to provide a calculated distance, to which the satellite-guided bullet can impact a target or not
- self-guided and self-correcting bullets are another type of ammunition that, possibly only the Grand Theft Auto franchise can handle as an entertainment concept, with relative ease.
The curving bullet will hit targets around corners. The aiming mechanism for it would require some creativity. Perhaps this bullet and gun should be excluded from free aim, and always made to auto aim, so that target impact is guaranteed.
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