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Military Group - Military Services - Military Weapons - All Military Services - Top-Level Component View - GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC

    The main component architecture of the Military Group and the military services they will provide is featured in this blog entry. The Military Group's services will be provided through the addition of a spy satellite into GTA Online. The component view is a top-level overview of the components without going into too much detail of the subcomponents and the sub-subcomponents. 


    The GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC features Hacking, a Vehicle Hacking Aerial drone, an Attack Drone Swarm, and Zero Day Exploits. These components will stay with the Shadow Hacker Group as originally planned. 


    The Military Group's services are aligned more with a military-themed DLC similar to the Gunrunning DLC and Smuggler's Run DLC. However, the Military Group's services are not a full-themed military DLC. The GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC could pave the way for other similarly themed DLCs such as a full blown military DLC. 

    A full-blown military DLC for GTA Online could resemble something like what is in this video, even though the video claims to be a trailer for the GTA Online Gunrunning DLC.  


    Click the icons below to learn about other components of the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC or proceed into the slides to learn more about the Military Group in the GTA Online Spy Satellite DLC:
 main component architecture spy satellite            


