Players are the NPCs in GTA Six Online - Going Viral on GTA Media - A New Car Buying and Selling System - Rolling Wanted-Levels - Fake Identities - Identity Theft - Changes to Los Santos Customs - GTA Online - GTA Six - GTA Six Online
GTA Six Online could increase the realism of its game, by transforming players into NPCs in its simulated video game world. This effect could be enhanced by linking it to the car buying and selling system for GTA Six Online.
A player purchasing a car in GTA Six Online could work by allowing the players to use Identity Theft to purchase cars because the real identities of the players is compromised due to the criminal activity the player commits. That is, at first, a brand new player, that is, someone who has just bought GTA Online or GTA Six Online and has no playing history, could purchase a car in GTA Six Online with their real in-game identity.
The car would be purchased at a car dealership. In GTA Six Online, players should be able to walk into actual car dealerships to buy a car for in-game play. The first time car buyer could be given a complimentary storage area for their car. The storage area would only be for the car. The brand new players in GTA Six Online could buy a cheap house or rent a cheap apartment, or the player would sleep on the street, if the brand new player cannot afford a 'home' yet.
Stealing a car will not be possible, if the player has not learned how to steal a car. Learning how to steal a car would be a feature that is unlocked in GTA Six Online. GTA Six Online players will have to learn how to steal various types of cars, including exotic and super cars. Then, after playing GTA Online or GTA Six Online, the player's ability to purchase cars with their real identity will diminish because of the crime level they will accumulate in-game. Alternatively, if a player in GTA Six Online decides to never commit any crime, the players will always be able to buy a car with their real in-game identity.
The system of allowing new players in GTA Online and GTA Six Online to be able to purchase in-game cars, if they are new players, could transfer over to purchasing or renting apartments in the simulated world of GTA Six Online.
New players would be able to purchase or rent apartments easily and immediately as they start their video game journey. Purchasing a home or renting an apartment becomes more difficult, if the player begins to commit crime in GTA Six Online. A more detailed blog entry on this potential new system feature will be posted later, but it can create interesting and robust gameplay scenarios for the GTA player base.
The players will have to get access to the Black Market, Dark Web, or Shadow Hacker Groups to procure fake identities to be able to own and purchase cars in GTA Online and GTA Six Online. Thus, seasoned experienced players will not have the ability to purchase cars without using fake IDs, while new players to GTA Online and GTA Six Online could purchase cars from dealerships without any problems. This change would be fundamental to GTA Online and GTA Six Online in that the car buying and selling system at Los Santos Customs would be changed significantly.
A rolling wanted-level could also be introduced in GTA Online and GTA Six Online to complement the use of fake identities and overall gameplay. The rolling wanted-level would not go away immediately, once the police in GTA Online have determined that the player has evaded them. Instead, the wanted level of the player will transfer over to certain in-game activities such as car buying and selling. If a player has a rolling wanted-level, the player, even if they are a new player, cannot purchase a car without using a fake identity. More details will be revealed on this potential new system for GTA Online and GTA Six Online at a later time, but it appears it is possible to create robust gameplay with this component.
Players would also be able to be identified by NPCs in GTA Six Online, if the NPC recognizes the player. This system functionality could be tied to vehicle ownership in that if NPCs recognize the vehicle of the player from a previous crime scene, the NPCs will snitch on the player to the police. This change would be fundamental to GTA Six Online. This effect could be enhanced by creating viral video clips that other NPCs "search on the web" to see if the player is actually the same person that went viral for criminal activity. Thus, regular news would be complemented with viral news from social media in GTA Six Online.
This could be enhanced further so that if a player does not have window tint, the players would have a harder time evading police, and not being snitched on by other NPCs, as the players commit crimes in GTA Online and GTA Six Online.
All of the gaming components mentioned above could create interesting gameplay for the player, by allowing them to be an actual NPC in the world of GTA Six Online. More details will be revealed in future blog entries.
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